The mystery of who bought Kiley Ranch for $9.8M at a Trustee’s Sale last month is starting to unravel.  Rising Tides LLC was the purchaser and they have just filed their List of Officers with the Secretary of State.

Holy IGT, Batman!  Charles N (Chuck)  Mathewson is the former CEO of IGT, an inductee into the Gaming Hall of Fame, and head of the Mathewson Foundation (think UNR’s new learning center).  He is an officer in the these NV entities.  A pillar of the community sort of guy.

The other Officer is Robert A Mathewson. an attorney formerly on the IGT Board.  He is an officer in these NV entities.  RGC  Inc. looks interesting, but I haven’t dug up much yet.  Robert sold some land on SVA to Nevada TRI Partners, with Perry Di Loreto in 2000.  Back in 2006, RGC loaned $1.5M to High Valley Development which morphed into UVRP LLC before going BK.  This was for the University Village project at McCarran and NVA.  Robert bought Somersett developer G Blake Smith’s house last year.

It may be a little peripheral, but the developer connection is definitely there at Rising Tides.  I’m just starting research for this post, but if any of you have information or insight, post a comment here or email me at  This is pretty wild stuff!